Sitemap - 2022 - Ashcan Press Comics Corporation
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode fifteen | Tini Howard, part one
I have traced the rebel spies to her!
It could generate sympathy for the rebellion in the senate!
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode fourteen | Alex Paknadel, part two
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode thirteen | Alex Paknadel, part one
You are part of the rebel alliance and a traitor!
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode twelve | Ryan Stegman, part two
I’m a member of the Imperial Senate...
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode eleven | Ryan Stegman, part one
I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you!
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode ten | Tyler Boss, part two
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode nine | Tyler Boss, part one
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode eight | Zeb Wells, part two
Don’t act so surprised, your highness!
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode seven | Zeb Wells, part one
The Imperial Senate will not sit still for this!
Are you sure this thing is safe?
Quick Quiz #1: Matthew Rosenberg
The damage doesn’t look as bad from out here!
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode four | Gerry Duggan, part two
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode three | Gerry Duggan, part one
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode two | Kelly Thompson, part two
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode one | Kelly Thompson, part one
Don’t you call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease!
You’ll be deactivated for sure!
Hey! You’re not permitted in there!
And bring me the passengers...
Until you've found those plans!
Commander, tear this ship apart...
If this is a consular ship where is the ambassador?
We're on a diplomatic mission.
We intercepted no transmissions.
What have you done with those plans?
Where are those transmissions you intercepted?
The Death Star plans are not in the main computer!