I’m a member of the Imperial Senate...
Chapter 79: Livestream with Kyle Higgins today!
It is that time once again! Or, it will be in about 4 hours…
Another IDEAS DON’T BLEED livestream. At 6pm EST myself and the Spiffy Bøys will be joined by the radiant Kyle Higgins!
As with all our livestreams you are invited to come hang out, ask questions, or just make weird comments that we pretend to ignore but really we put them aside and dwell on them later. Got questions for Kyle about RADIANT BLACK? POWER RANGERS? C.O.W.L.? NIGHTWING? ULTRAMAN? Well I can’t promise he will answer any of them, but let’s find out. And if you can’t make it to the live stream you can put a question in the comments below and maybe we will ask it on air for you.
And if we ask your question you are entered to win a cool mystery prize from our friends at THIRD EYE COMICS!
So come hang out with us, find out more about Kyle Higgins than anyone should ever know, and maybe win some cool stuff
In some sad news, legendary comic book writer Peter David is having a rough time and could use some help. He is in the hospital after multiple illnesses and complications rose up at once and none of that is cheap or easy. If you have some money you can spare, Peter and his family would appreciate it.
I’d just like to say a brief word about Mr. David and what his work means to me. From his many novels, to his work on titles like SUPERGIRL, STAR TREK, SPIDER-MAN, and so many more, Peter David has surely cemented his place in the comic book hall of fame. But for me, his runs on CAPTAIN MARVEL and THE HULK are some of the finest comics ever made. He was telling big, bombastic, wild stories that never lost sight of the characters and never failed to remind us why we love them. Those two books made me a fan for life. But it was his X-FACTOR detective series that forever changed the way I view comics. It showed me that there are no rules and that character trumps all. else. The drama and the melodrama, the humor and the tragedy, and the glorious characters being explored warts and all, puts that run easily in my top 5 favorite comics of all time. If you’ve never read it, you owe it to yourself to take the time.
So please take a minute to send some money or good thoughts his way today. And then take a few more minutes for yourself to enjoy one of the many brilliant comics he has given us over the years.
That’s it for now.
Stay safe. Take care of each other. See you in a few hours!
-Matthew Rosenberg
NYC 11/30/22
Question for Kyle: You are the master of the Power Ranger/Radiant 90’s feel stories and characters. What other genre would you like to explore that would surprise your fan base and the industry ?
Question for Kyle: What’s the process like for managing/overseeing all the books over at Black Market Narrative? (This includes the books of the Massive-Verse, non MV related books like Ordinary Gods and Last Flight Out, and all the unannounced books being worked on).