This week, we’re joined by Lonnie Nadler (The Dregs / Cable) as we discuss his time working in journalism, hating Canadian superheroes, his Uncivilized Comics series The Sickness, and more!
IDB is an all-new weekly podcast presented by Ashcan Press and featuring Matthew Rosenberg, the Supple Boiz, and wonderful guests from the world of comic books!
Our theme song is “Where’s the Poison” by Summer People.
The Curse of Lonnie Nadler is real! We’ve been trying to have Lonnie on our show for a really long time. Every single time we made plans, someone got sick, someone had a family emergency, or someone had a work crisis. But we finally put our health, our families, and or jobs to the side and powered through and I’m glad we did.
I’ve known Lonnie for a very long time, since before his days as a comic writer. He has always been someone who has impressed me with their understanding of the medium, what makes it good, and what should be subverted. From his excellent debut THE DREGS, to the disturbing body horror of COME INTO ME, the creepy cosmic horror of BLACK STARS ABOVE, to the criminally underrated UNDONE BY BLOOD, to his time on X-MEN and CABLE, Lonnie always brings something unexpected and powerful to his work. And his new series THE SICKNESS is no different. If you have been missing the single issues the first volume is headed to stores very soon and you should do yourself a favor and ask your local comic shop to get you a copy.
Special thanks to Lonnie for being patient with us as we struggled to be functioning people to get him on the show. And thanks for lifting the curse after.
Couple little bits of me news today. First of all, the WE’RE TAKING EVERYONE DOWN WITH US press train rolls on. This time I stopped in to spend time with the great David Harper on his OFF PANEL Podcast.
David is one of the best interviewers I know and really likes to drive home how much better of a podcaster he is than me. But I still like him a lot so you should give it a listen and support his show.
In other news, Volume 4 of WHAT’S THE FURTHEST PLACE FROM HERE? is in stores right now! And today is my birthday, so you should definitely buy a copy to celebrate.
This sounds like an incredibly dumb thing to say but I swear it is true- this is a great place to start reading if you haven’t checked out the book before. This volume collects issues 7, 8, 9, and 19, which were all special flashback issues that dig into the history of our world and characters. It answers a lot of questions people had, but also sets up a lot of big things yet to come.
What makes this volume extra fun is that these are the issues that had special guest artists come in and draw the stories Tyler and I wrote. So we are joined by the incredibly talented Joshua Hixson (THE DEVIANT), Ricardo López Ortiz (HIT-GIRL), Sweeney Boo (OVER MY DEAD BODY), and Dylan Burnett (ARCADE KINGS) who really bring the whole thing to life.

Grab a copy from your local comic shop today. And grab a copy to give to a friend as a gift. And grab a copy to give to an enemy, also as a gift for some reason.
Stay safe. Take care of each other. Happy birthday to Bob Marley, Axl Rose, and me. Not you, Ronald Reagan.
-Matthew Rosenberg
NYC 2/6/25
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