Ashcan Press Comics Corporation
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode one hundred | Kelly Sue DeConnick, part two
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IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode one hundred | Kelly Sue DeConnick, part two

Chapter 188: Biggs is right!


This week, we’re joined once again by Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel / Bitch Planet) as we discuss her comics origins, being competitive in a creative space, her upcoming Dark Horse series FML, and more!

IDB is an all-new weekly podcast presented by Ashcan Press and featuring Matthew Rosenberg, the Supple Boiz, and wonderful guests from the world of comic books!

Our theme song is “Where’s the Poison” by Summer People.



We’re back again with Part II of our chat with the wonderful Kelly Sue DeConnick. If you missed part I you can find it here. It was great to get a chance to talk with her, and hear a bit about her process, her thoughts on her work and the greater idea of storytelling, and get her take on some of her seminal works. But I was most excited to talk about her new book FML with David López. Now I’ve had a chance to read it and I am even more excited for you all to give this a listen and get excited about such an amazing book. It will be on comic shelves this November. I could not have asked for a better guest for our 100th episode.

In the meantime, get more of Kelly Sue by checking out her work, preordering FML from your local comic shop, and signing up for her newsletter.


And I want to say a special thanks to all of you who regularly listen to the show, like it on streaming platforms, share it with friends, or even just checked it out once and decided it wasn’t for you. This show is something we do because we are passionate about comics and sharing that passion with others, but it is also a lot of work. Not so much for me really. Or at all. But

and do a lot to make this happen every week and all of you make all of that worthwhile. Maybe. I don’t know. I can’t speak for them. But I do know we all appreciate it.

As we continue to update our Youtube channel every week from the beginning of the podcast, we are now up to Episode 9 in the series I am now dubbing IDEAS DON’T BLEED CLASSIC.

This weeks IDB Classic is our interview with my 4 KIDS WALK INTO A BANK / WHAT’S THE FURTHEST PLACE FROM HERE? partner and DEAD DOG’S BITE creator Tyler Boss. I don’t remember what we talk about on here because we taped it so long ago, but Tyler always says weird stuff. So give it a watch/listen.


And this is your oh so gentle reminder that if you’re in the New York area this Thursday I will be signing at Midtown Comics Grand Central to celebrate the release of DC VS. VAMPIRES: WORLD WAR V #1, or DCVSVWWV #1 as we call it around here for short, or DVVWWV1 for real short. Anyway, if you’re around stop by, say hi, get your DV³W²1 signed by yours truly.


That’s it.

Stay safe. Take care of each other. It took me 3 minutes of googling to figure out to type the exponents for that not very good joke.

-Matthew Rosenberg

NYC 8/13/24

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