Ashcan Press Comics Corporation
IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode seventy-six | Ram V, part two
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IDEAS DON'T BLEED episode seventy-six | Ram V, part two

Chapter 157: And the red one!


This week, we’re joined once again by Ram V. (The Many Deaths of Laila Starr / Detective Comics) as we discuss his comics origins, reinventing modern mythology, his new Image Comics series The One Hand, and more!

IDB is an all-new weekly podcast presented by Ashcan Press and featuring Matthew Rosenberg, the Supple Boiz, and wonderful guests from the world of comic books!

Our theme song is “Where’s the Poison” by Summer People.


Hello again.

Seems that between a nasty cold, crunching to get ready to go to Pittsburgh for four days, and my normal dumb stuff, I missed a newsletter last week. But don’t worry. I checked and literally nothing happened last week. So we can just move on. I had a very fun road trip with known sandwich enthusiast

and a great time in Pittsburgh with some of comics best retailers. Special shout out to Jenn from The Dragon in Guelph, Ontario and Marco from Alakazam in Irvine, California for making space for us and being awesome. At ComicsPro we talked about comics, we talked about more comics, and then we took a break and talked about Tyler’s dog. I’ll have a longer write up later in the week, so for now we’ll move on to all the other pressing matters.

While I’m safe at home, writing this from my snuggly bed, poor Ed Brisson is traveling the wastelands of North America trying to sell comic books for a few more days. Find him at the always amazing Jetpack Comics in Rochester, NH tonight, Heroes’ Beacon in Saint John tomorrow, and Strange Adventures in Halifax on Wednesday.

Grab yourself the exclusive tour cover by Canada’s own Chip Zdarsky. All the money from the variant goes toward buying Ed Thai food in different cities, so give early and give often.


Today is also Final Order Cutoff for issue #2 of THE DISPLACED. Issue #1 sold out and is going back to print, so you’d be wise to tell your local comic shop you want both of them right now, or risk missing them and having all your friends laugh at you for always being late on everything. And if you don’t believe me, the fine folks at AIPT have an exclusive preview of issue #2 here. The book is cool. Don’t you want to be cool?

As for podcast, I’m happy for Part II of our chat with Ram V. Give it a listen, then go pick up his excellent books like THE ONE HAND, RARE FLAVOURS, DETECTIVE COMICS, and the upcoming DAWN RUNNER. And then sign up for his newsletter here:

Ram's Newsletter!

And if you missed Part I of our chat you can listen here. It’s a fun one

Not content to just mention Ed’s new book on Final Order Cutoff today, I thought I’d mention that former IDB guest and current awesome writer Pornsak Pichetshote and amazing artist Jesse Lonergan’s new book MAN’S BEST.


I could talk about how the book is gorgeous and adorable and overflowing with heart and style, but Pornsak did a great job describing it on his twitter so I’ll let him handle it and pretend I interviewed him.

MR: Hey Pornsak’s twitter accunt, what is MAN’S BEST about?

PP (twitter account days ago): “Homeward Bound in space. 1/3 STRAY DOGS, 1/3 SAGA, 1/3 Jesse Lonnergan’s genius, it’s 3 emotional support pets rescuing their Starship's crew. Made for adults but accessible to all, it asks where those we look to for hope go when they need it. A Pixar movie only possible on paper, it’s my contribution to the growing petsploitation genre. It features cat mech, bionic golden retrievers and rocket-packed bulldogs & might be my most personal book yet? It’s not what people know me for so I hope folks give it a chance.”

MR: That sounds perfect. It’s cool that I steal content from your twitter and send it out in my newsletter, right?

PP (twitter account):

So, there you have it. A complete and total violation of journalistic ethics, but a very fun comic. Go tell your local comic shop you want a copy today and don’t tell Substack I did this.

That’s it for me. Stay safe. Take care of each other. For like half a second I thought about having a weekly section of the newsletter about upcoming books on Final Order Cutoff called “FOC This Shit!” but no.

-Matthew Rosenberg

NYC 2/26/24

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