Totally agree with you about the awards thing!

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When I started to read this post I immediately thought 'He should have a letterboxd account'… and there YOU ARE!

Exactly the same happened to me in the first days of January. Our son and the best friend of our daughter talked about this film-geek-social-media-project and asked me to have a go at it, mostly because we all talk a lot about movies and they often visit our basement where my DVD-collection is stockpiled. The kids also call me up when they want to find out about - just an example - this obscure Czech film with the two girls and the psychedelic sequences where they play around with food and do I have it on DVD/Blu-Ray? They love it down there because the experience is haptic and it's a random collection - curated by my tastes, sure! - but there is no 'flix or 'sney algorithm, so they watched movies none of their peers have ever heard of.

So, now I’m hooked on letterboxd and loving it. My diary started January 1st and I’m trying to add every film I ever watched. Imagine!

Just had to share, because I’m so excited!

So: Yes, I will

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Ah, mate, you're far too kind! Thanks for the DEER EDITOR shout out.

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Love that letter from Nic Cave! Helped bash my ego before I say down to write 😅 Nice to see Jean Pierre-Jeunet and Marco Caros moives are influencing contemporay film makers. The power of absurdist / fantasy low key film making cant be underestimated

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