Yo Weston goes hard af. It's a shame their best song uses the R slur so much bc it's like one of the best pop punk songs ever

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Would love to hear the rest of your “Hall of Fame of Comics.” I love favorite lists, music, movies, comics, tv, etc… as they often give me exposure to new titles or a chance to reminisce and return to old favorites of my own. Maybe you can release them like 25 days of an Advent Calendar or 12 Days of a Christmas kind of thing, and at the end share a screen shot of how you prioritize them on your shelf. Also, did you sort them by how much you love them, or High Fidelity style by when you were chronologically exposed to them?

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Garden City! I remember seeing At the Drive In play Garden City Bowl a million years ago. The show completely knocked me on my ass

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Oh man!! Im so happy and excited for WTFPFH!!!! As an avid vinyl collector, this book really hits home!!!

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