Nice convo with Si here. Hellblazer isn’t my usual go to series I like to read, but Si’s work on Flash, the weirdness of everything going on there, definitely has me intrigued by what he has planned for JC.

Also is it my imagination or is issue 2 of DCvVP running behind? I feel like it’s already been a month since issue 1 dropped and we should have had a second by now. Then again I could be wrong.

Has the issue count for DvV 2 been announced yet? I can’t recall if it’s a 6 or a 12 issue run.

Finally, and I may have missed or forgotten this already during the chat, but do you have any upcoming works that are to be announced soon, be if for one of the big 2 or any of the other publishers?

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Hi. I am just checking in on the status of the reward packages for the Rulers of Known…tier. I signed up immediately back in 2022, but have not heard or seen an update on when to expect shipment. Any update much appreciated.

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