Jun 3Liked by Matthew Rosenberg

dear matthew,

always happy to receive these dispatches!

i love this chunk:

"Got a bunch of new subscribers this week. Thankful for all you new folks. More thankful for the folks who’ve been here though. My appreciation is cumulative. But don’t fret, new people! Now you have something to work for. Stick around long enough and you might just get a “means a lot that you’ve stuck around” from me.

Okay, definitely just had 50 people unsubscribe after that paragraph."

thanks for all you do!



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Kaplan is this is in zac Kaplan... Anyway whoever it is I love your work..

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thanks very much!

i appreciate you!

myq (mike) kaplan

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Jun 3Liked by Matthew Rosenberg

Mugshots.... Yes I picked it up because it looked interesting and sounded interesting and I love independent comic books... I have it sitting there right now but I haven't read it yet

.. but I usually pick up anything you recommend but I beat you this time... I got it off my own bat...lol👌

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Jun 3Liked by Matthew Rosenberg

Really loved Mugshots #1, looking forward to the next one. Just watched The Long Good Friday for the first time a few weeks back and thought "dang, I need to watch/read more British crime stuff!" so it was exactly what I was looking for.

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