completely loved wtfpfh arc one - the vibe is just immaculate and one this that really stands out as unique is the lettering. it's such a big story with so much to love and i'm really looking forward to more :))))

(also if there's the chance for a letters column in the back pages i'd totally support that - got the feeling that all us readers of this mag are equally bizarre and that would make for an interesting community)

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Thanks so much, Jess! And yes, Hassan's lettering really elevates the whole book in every way. Each issue he does something that surprises us, which at this point is silly. But he just keeps getting better while we stay the same.

And we talk about doing a letters column a lot. But then we get nervous no one will write us and I'll have to make the letters up, so we chicken out. But maybe.

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Well if it ever happens you've got a guaranteed letter from me !! Xx

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