An escape pod was jettisoned during the fighting...
Chapter 95: Livestream with Declan Shalvey today!
Hello again.
Third email in 3 days! Are you sick of me? I’m sick of me. But I have a good reason for writing again, I promise. In just under 3 hours, 6pm EST, we’re going to be doing another IDEAS DON’T BLEED livestream podcast. Our guest is the amazing writer/artist/dancer/astronaut Declan Shalvey. I’m sure you know him from his work on books like DEADPOOL, MOON KNIGHT, THEUNDERBOLTS, INJECTION, SAVAGETOWN, BOG BODIES, and his new series TIME BEFORE TIME and OLD DOG.
So get comfy, make yourself some popcorn, and join me and the Baron Strucker’s Boys as we ask Declan all the hard questions. Or really just bullshit about nothing in particular.
And, as always, you can come to the stream and ask questions or even ask them right here-
And if we ask your question on air you’re eligible to win a prize from our awesome sponsors THIRD EYE COMICS. What is the prize? I have no idea. But Third Eye only carries cool stuff, so you know it will be cool.
See you in a few!
Stay safe. Take care of each other. Someone better ask Declan some hard questions.
-Matthew Rosenberg
NYC 1/31/22
How far ahead is Old Dog outlined? Do you have a certain number of arcs in mind, with an eventual conclusion? Or is it more open-ended? Thanks!
Here’s my question with preamble. I’m loving Old Dog except it’s release schedule. With so much on your plate how do you juggle all the commitments, how much sacrifices can you make (personal time) and how long can you keep it up? While I want you drawing Old Dog have you thought about bringing in an artist to support a more regular release schedule? I’ll stick around until the end but sadly most won’t and I want to see you finish this masterpiece!