What fresh hell is this? 3 newsletters in a week?! Why?!
I have no idea, but I will do my best to make sure it never happens again. In the meantime, I am super busy not going to New York Comic Con, but I realized this weekend is your last chance to preorder some longtime friend’s books. So I wanted to talk about that and give you a fun little bonus here too.
First up, 4 of my favorite collaborators are working on a little book you may have heard of. And they didn’t invite me to work on it, which is obviously totally fine. But they were kind enough to let me read it, and it is easily one of the best comics I’ve read this year. Not upset at all. Nope.
THE DEVIANT is written by James Tynion IV (The old DC VS VAMPIRES), drawn by Joshua Hixson (WHAT’S THE FURTHEST PLACE FROM HERE? #7), lettered by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (WHAT’S THE FURTHEST PLACE FROM HERE? #1-15), and designed by Tyler Boss (WHAT’S THE FURTHEST PLACE FROM HERE? #1-15). It’s a Christmas story, a serial killer story, and it’s just haunting and creepy and terrifying and engrossing. You should tell your local comic shop you need a copy of THE DEVIANT #1 now so you can guarantee you will have something terrifying to read this holiday season.
And if you see James tell him I’m not letting him write any of WHAT’S THE FURTHEST PLACE FROM HERE?.
The other book on Final Order Cutoff this weekend is the collected edition of the excellent series INDIGO CHILDREN by longtime buddy and white-hot writer Curt Pires, Rockwell White, and Alex Diotto. And look at that, Tyler did a cover for the book and Hassan lettered it. I wasn’t asked to work on this one either, of course. Cool cool cool.
But Curt, in his infinite kindness, wanted to bless all of you with a chance to check out the series. I’ll let Curt explain it.
“Hey guys. Curt Pires here. Matt's letting me hijack his newsletter today to give you some free comics.
I wanted to share with you the first issue of my Image Comics series INDIGO CHILDREN. The TPB is coming out 11/22 and is on Final Order Cutoff this weekend for 10/16.
I'm assuming if you're deep enough into comics to be subscribing to comic substack's you know what Final Order Cut Off is--but in case you don't it's basically the last chance to guarantee a preorder for release date at your favorite comic shop.
So what is Indigo Children? It's a grounded sci-fi mystery comic that I like to describe as sort of Department Of Truth meets Radiant Black. It's about a group of gifted children who appear to have super powers of varying natures... they also claim to be reincarnated martians who survived a nuclear holocaust. One day all these gifted kids drop off the face of the earth. 15 years later a journalist who witnessed one of the kids in action begins following the breadcrumbs to find out what happened to them...and our story only gets wilder from there.
If all that sounds even vaguely interesting to you I've got good news: attached to this you'll find both PDF's and CBR file formats of the first issue. For totally free.
If you like what you read I'd humbly ask that you consider letting your shop know you'd like to preorder a copy of the trade. It's 16.99 for 208 pages of comics so not a bad deal. Order code is: 0923IM353
Alright that's all from me. Thanks to Matt for letting me share this with y'all and for still returning my emails after not seeing me for 10 years as I've been laying low in Canada.
if you want other spam like this straight from the horse's mouth.
Thanks Curt! And we last saw each other 7 years ago.
Rainy day mood.
Probably an every day mood really.
That’s it for me.
Stay safe. Take care of each other. Please.
NYC 10/14/23
I really dig Indigo Children. I snagged them in singles.
Had that old school conspiracy/psi feel (like scanners, but be better).
i was lucky enough to snag an issue 4 of WtFPfH with accompanying album. I know it sounded like a logistical nightmare, but I really like it.
Wish I had been fast enough to grab the others too.
Thanks for running this, Matt. Seven long years...