No Free Comics From Me But Look at Zuzu!
Now Look at Gerry and Garry’s Book!
Now Look at Oliver and Alex’s Book!
Now Listen to Jawbreaker as Loud as You Can!
Now Go Do Something Else!
been a minute. How are you doing? I thought I’d check in because it’s May 4th. That means it’s Free Comic Book Day (even though I don’t have any comics to give. Go to your comic shop.), it’s Star Wars day (I also am not giving you any Star Wars), and it’s Sluttering Day. More on that later.
In the meantime, I’ve been busy writing some stuff, building some stuff and… oh yeah. This happened.
A new Chaos Goblin has joined the family. She’s not my dog, but I’ve been helping out with her a bit. Mostly I’m in charge of laying on the ground and getting jumped on. It’s hard work, but important. Her name is Zuzu aka ZoupZoup aka Soup aka Goo aka Chainsaw aka Johnny Cerini aka Mrs. Cutlet aka Vice President Joe Bitey aka The Chaos Goblin. But we just mostly call her Potato. She is incredibly kind and sweet 23 hours a day, and then for 1 hour she is a fucking demon monster from hell who wants to taste human flesh and see the world burn. I love her very much.
For those of you worried, don’t. Olive is still staying on as the editor on WHAT’S THE FURTHEST PLACE FROM HERE? for the foreseeable future. Her job is secure.
Speaking of, WTFPFH? #18 dropped this week. Our special triplish-sized issue. Thanks to everyone who picked it up and everyone who had kind words to say. Means a lot to all of us.
With that issue, we wrap our 3rd arc. We are already underway on the next one, and honestly it’s maybe my favorite so far. But in the meantime you can tell your local comic shop that you want the collected edition volume three, which will drop in September. It collects issues 14-18, it’s thick and pretty, and I’m excited to get it out.
If you did manage to pick up WTFPFH? #18 you might have noticed we threw in a 5 page preview for a new series called FALLING IN LOVE ON THE PATH TO HELL from our buddies Gerry Duggan and Garry Brown.
It’s a fun story about revenge, and death, and unlikely alliances, and being a stranger in a strange land. If you want to read the preview and learn more about it, you can do so here. The Final Order Cutoff for comic shops to get their copies is this weekend, so if you don’t want to miss out on this one, call, email, message, or stop in and tell your local comic shop you want a copy. Everyone will be happy that you did.
While I’m talking about new books I’m way into, here is one more. A GHOST ARM MADE OF ANGRY GHOSTS by Oliver Mertz and Alex Diotto is a suburban punk rock superhero (sorta) story taking place around the 90’s DC punk and hardcore scene. It feels very much like the awkward lovechild of Lapham’s STRAY BULLETS and Clowses’s GHOST WORLD, with a little of Milligan / Allred’s X-STATIX thrown in for good measure. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Here’s a preview-
The preview doesn’t really do it justice though. The first issue is wildly engrossing and has some truly beautiful and surreal moments. Anyway, the book has 4 days to go on Kickstarter so if you want to read the rest you should throw them some money ASAP.
I really love this one a lot and am glad some folks will be getting their hands on it soon, but I’m hoping even more people give it a chance. We need more comics like this.
If you know, you know.
That’s it for me.
Stay safe. Take care of each other. “This is a story you won't tell the kids we'll never have” is one of the most chilling lines ever written in any song.
-Matthew Rosenberg
NYC 5/4/24
I saw through your trap and into my own wrists gotta be up there for favorite line in any jawbreaker song
#18 is so goddamn good! Also incredible sell on A GHOST ARM MADE OF ANGRY GHOSTS, I would not have heard about it without this.